Jo – Page 11 – Nurse Recruiter

The nurse who loved crocs

Being a nurse is deeply rewarding in many ways, but hey, it’s okay — all of us, in any profession, sometimes daydream about other lives we could be living. What’s your secret fantasy career? Do you still sometimes wonder how good an astronaut you would have been? What life as a fashion designer would be […]

Paying it forward: Nurses who teach and mentor

“As long as I live, I will never forget my nurse superhero,” Ja’el Mitten told us in her response to our nursing superhero call, but she added something important. It’s because of how that nurse helped her when she was still inexperienced and insecure, she wrote, that “I mentor new nurses and encourage them to […]

Two days left! What special offers and giveaways are companies and organizations offering this Nurses Week?

What does Nurses Week mean to you? Does your workplace do something special to express appreciation for your work? Did a patient pay you a compliment? One thing’s for sure – there are a lot of companies, entrepreneurs and bloggers getting in on the event, presenting giveaways, discounts and special offers. It’s true, we do it too! […]

Nurses eat their young, they say. But I met my nurse superhero when I needed one most!

Where would a nurse be without supportive peers and colleagues? How different would your work have been without that fellow nurse who pulled you through, when you really needed the back-up? When we asked you who your nursing superhero is, Ja’el Mitten got in touch to tell us this moving story about hers. Ja’el is a Registered Nurse in […]

She helped me through three open heart surgeries, and inspired me to become an RN myself: Nursing superheroes

We asked: Who’s your nursing superhero? Who’s the nurse who made all the difference to you? Your role model, your dream colleague, or simply the nurse you admire most? You responded, and how! You sent in an impressive range of submissions — moving stories, inspiring stories, colorful stories, and above all: heartfelt stories. We will be […]