Jo – Page 10 – Nurse Recruiter

From bricks to scrubs: Thanks to a nurse’s encouraging words, stroke victim John McElroy found his way from the factory to the hospital

Your nurse was not always a nurse. Take Annell Farris, who became a nurse at age 59 (!) and won one of our nurse photo contests. People can come to nursing from very different backgrounds, and former brick maker John McElroy is a great example. “I worked in a local brick factory for about twenty-five years,” […]

From pediatric nurse to businesswoman: Tranquilo Mat’s Melissa Gersin has advice for new parents and entrepreneurial nurses

Melissa Gersin was an EMT and a pediatric nurse – not very different from any of you. Then she hit on the idea of designing the “Tranquilo Mat”, a baby soothing mat which emulates the sounds and movements of the womb. Now she is a successful businesswoman, who persuaded not just one, but three of […]

When violence comes to the hospital

“This is supposed to be a place where we save and heal people,” Donna Lee Peterkin told a news conference this week. She is a registered nurse at Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center in New York City, and recounted what she did when Henry Bello went on his brutal shooting spree exactly one week ago. She was […]

From kitchen to operating room? How hundreds of hospital employees, from cooks to lab workers, went to nursing school — for free

A hospital system in Northern Texas has been offering hundreds of its employees the chance to go to nursing school and get an associate degree in nursing — for free, Dallas News reported this week. Medical City Healthcare, which runs 13 hospitals, will pay for their tuition, fees, books and uniforms, as long as they make a two-year […]

She was a Pediatric Nurse, tending to three crying infants — then the idea hit her. Now her Tranquilo Mats are soothing babies everywhere, and you can win one!

Pediatric nurse Melissa Gersin was having a particularly stressful shift in the nursery. Three babies all needed soothing, but there wasn’t much equipment, so she used her hands, feet, voice and cellphone to tend to everything at the same time. She would hush one child in a bassinette, move the seat of a second baby […]

Tap dance. Nursing. See the connection?

It’s May 25, so it’s National Tap Dance Day! (Yes, it really exists. It’s official, even. President Bush signed it into law in 2004.) Which is great fun, but what could it possibly have to do with nurses? Well, we dug into the YouTube archives and we found a link. It’s quite amusing, and instructive to boot! This […]