Nancy Martin, RN, PHN, is a public health nurse home visitor in Santa Rosa, CA, who works with high risk families — and she asked us to help:
The families I visit are all low income, with social and medical risk factors such as homelessness, drug addiction, serious medical problems, domestic violence and more.

She wrote us because we announced a special giveaway last month. Former pediatric nurse turned businesswoman Melissa Gersin has developed a unique, new product to help soothe babies, the Tranquilo Mat. The mat helps stop crying by mimicking the sounds and motions of a woman’s womb, providing parents with some much-needed relief. Together with Tranquilo Mat, we were giving away one of these mats to you!
It wasn’t easy to pick a winner from among all your responses, but Nancy’s call stood out:
The children I serve are from very low income households. The mothers could never afford a Tranquilo Mat. Many do not even have access to a car.
I am asking for your help to give a gift of a Tranquilo mat to a family truly in need. These families are so stressed just getting the most basic necessities. It would be a huge blessing if we could offer one baby in need a Tranquilo mat. Thank you!
We know that giving away one baby soothing mat can of course only make a small difference. But Tranquilo Mat and Nurse Recruiter are very grateful to at least be able to do that much. So it’s Nancy whom we all owe a word of thanks!