Do you know anyone who wants to be a nurse? You can help them! Tell them about the brand new Scholarship. has been in the business of connecting nurses with jobs across the US for eighteen years. There is never a lack of nursing jobs, and of course that has benefited our business too! But we are well aware of the impact of the nursing shortage on nurses and patients in America, and that’s why we decided to do something in return.
We are proud to commit an initial $10,000 in funds for Scholarships. Now we need your support in finding motivated, talented future nurses who want to join the profession, but are struggling with costs. Maybe you know an aspiring nurse who would love to know about this opportunity, or maybe your friends do. So tell the people you know about our scholarship, and share the news on your Facebook or Twitter account!

Five reasons to tell future nurses about our scholarship:
1. Help them alleviate the nursing shortage
Every year, the U.S. needs more and more nurses. The number of Registered Nurses is projected to grow by 16% in a decade — more than twice as fast as total employment. In the course of a decade, over a million job openings for RNs will need to be filled! There has been a surge in nursing school graduates, but many states still face a shortfall, especially in the South and West. The longer those shortfalls aren’t addressed, the more patients will fail to receive adequate care and nurses will be left overworked and overwhelmed.
We know that our scholarships will be just a drop in the ocean in solving the problem… But it’s what we can do, and we can only hope that every healthcare company follows our example!
2. Help them gain access to secure, well-paying jobs
Let’s not beat about the bush: in a labor market that’s ever more characterized by flexibility and instability, Registered Nurses enjoy good wages and great job security. Median wages for registered nurses stand at around $67,000, reaching over $100,000 in California. The unemployment rate for RNs tends to be as low as 2%.
Acquiring your nursing degree takes a lot of skill and determination, but it pays off! And when it comes to finding the best jobs after graduation, having been selected for a scholarship is definitely a plus for your resume.
3. Help them find fulfilling, meaningful work
As reassuring as the prospect of secure, well-paying employment is, it’s not what’s most special about being a nurse. When Registered Nurses were asked last year what the single most rewarding aspect of their job was, very few opted for the amount of money they made.
Instead, roughly equal shares of them described it as working at a job they liked, being very good at what they did, pride in being a nurse, and their relationships with grateful patients. Who wouldn’t want someone to succeed in their path to a career like that?
4. Help them avoid crippling student debt
College tuition has ballooned by almost 400% in the past thirty years, and college graduates owe an average $30,000, discouraging many young Americans from enrolling at all. The cost of a nursing degree can rise to as much as $118,000. When the country is already facing a nursing shortage and it is more important than ever for nurses to acquire an advanced degree, anything that can help lessen the looming burden of student debt is a win for everyone!
5. Encourage underrepresented groups to enter nursing
Do you know male nursing students or aspiring nurses from minority groups? At the moment, men make up barely over one in ten Registered Nurses. The number of male nurses is growing steadily, but their underrepresentation has a long history and complex reasons.
It’s not just men: data about currently employed RNs and nursing students show that Hispanic and Latino Americans are also not finding their way into nursing by anywhere the numbers you’d expect. So if you know any talented male or Hispanic nursing students who could be greatly helped by a scholarship, why not encourage them to check out ours?
Annie Johnson
Good morning,
My son, Travis, has been an EMT for seven years. Five years driving an ambulance and two years as a EMT in the ER. He really is a people person that has lots of empathy for others. He has about fifteen college credits but needs assistance to get into an RN program. Please help.
Sincerely ,
Eleanore Mixon
I would love to expand on my nursing career. I am dedicated to helping others and as a CNA I can only do so much. If you can tell me how to apply for this scholarship to become an RN that would he greatly appreciated. Thank you
Kelsie Anderson
How do you apply for scholarship?
Colette Dautrich
I have been a registered nurse for over 32 years (since 1985) and can think of no other profession that I would rather be in!! There has never been a doubt during these past 32 years whether or not I had made the correct career choice as I KNEW beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was my chosen path.
My current dilemma is that I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to return to school to receive my Masters in FNP/become a FNP so that I can help MORE people and assist in their care in a more direct involvement. The problem is that I had just completed a Masters in Healthcare Informatics and am in debt $35k in student loans already that I will have to begin paying back in October 2017. I have a child who we have to send to a special school, so his tuition is costly as well. Therefore, when you factor in all these variables, it is clear that I cannot put my family into any more financial debt. I would LOVE to be eligible for one of these scholarships so that I can give back further to the profession that I chose and continue to love 32 years later and counting.
Joost van Beek
You should totally try applying! Here’s the link:
l will benefit from your program
Rose Ogbankere
how can i apply for scholarship for nurse
Michelle Fortier
My son is a EMT and trying to get into nursing school. He is very compassionate and loves children. He is going to be an amazing nurse and I can’t wait to see him succeed.
Jodi Ritter
I’ve wanted to be a nurse since at least sixth grade. My mom had twins so we are struggling with two tuitions. Anything would help me to just get into the program.
Joost van Beek
To the people who are asking how to apply, and all the other commenters: there’s a link to the scholarship page in the first sentence of this blog post. Worth clicking it to see if you can apply!
Here’s the link again:
Camille Liggins
I have been an LPN for about 13 years but I have been in the medical field for over 20 years. I love working with patients and I think I’m pretty good at it. Nursing is selfless; it takes compassion, love, and joy in your heart. I love what I do, making an impact on others’ lives. Nurses Rock
This opportunity is the best thing that could happen to my career. I hope to hear from you guys.
Camille Liggins
[phone number redacted –]
Why Are You addressing men as the “Lonesome Dove” in your conclusion?
Nursing, in USA has much more history than can research. As I proudly stand a loving Feminist, the Evolution of the Nurse came from the suffrage of Women, Daughters, Baby Girls? Who served and provided in War, gave birth alone, taught others, lost lives, lost children, were beaten, raped, shunned, shared wisdom, saved , mended their own wounds and their loved one’s and those who were killed, died and were dying .
So, I have been a CCU and ICU RN for 21 years plus. And I know why Women are Nurses and why I majority population of male doctors are shocked when I tell them to stop talking me in that manner. We are Nurturers… Healers…. We ARE Doctors, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Pharmacists, walking around Pregnant.
Most importantly, We are smiling, caring and showing our patients and their families integrity.