Nurse Employers – Page 4 – Nurse Recruiter

Should Nurses Practice Alone?

The question of whether nurse practitioners should be allowed to practice independently is being debated in Nebraska. Many nurse practitioners argue that there are many benefits to being able to work without physician oversight. Meanwhile, many physicians are concerned that nurses are “trying to get by legislation what physicians earned with education,” as a doctor […]

Identifying Nursing Retention Strategies

With each passing year the nursing profession loses a higher number of nurses to retirement than it can replace, and facilities have been actively working to identify retention strategies. While some nurses retire early to pursue other careers, it appears that there are ways to encourage nurses to remain in the profession. A study conducted […]

Nursing Tops Career Bets

Robin Holte was an interior designer for 25 years. Then she decided to return to college and become a registered nurse. She wasn’t considering job security at the time; she wanted to make more of an impact, helping people and caring for them, she says in this article on the Appleton Post-Crescent website. The Neenah, […]

Nurse Practitioners on The Rise

Advanced registered nurse practitioners can see patients, diagnose and treat their problems, and prescribe medication. So it’s not that surprising that sometimes they’re called “doctor” by their patients. Marcia Hillman, a family practice ARNP, gently corrects her patients when that happens. There isn’t a lot of difference, it’s true. But there are some differences. ARNPs […]

The Impact of Violence Against Nurses and Their Employers

When people talk about violence in the workplace, they don’t often think of the healthcare field. While post offices are the most stereotypical place for violent events, (lending us the phrase “going postal”) other locations that are usually considered to be more violent than hospitals include business offices and schools. As late as 2007, however, […]

Nursing Shortages in Alaska

Alaska has added more than 11,000 health care jobs in the last decade. But they’re still seeing a shortage of nurses, especially in specialized areas like operating room nursing, according to a story by KTVA. There are an abundance of Alaskans who are qualified to take entry-level positions in nursing. The director of the University of Alaska – […]