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Nurses On The Go: Donna

By Donna Rich, R.N. Seven months ago my husband announced that he was just laid off from his marine construction job. I looked around our dream home, one block from our beloved ocean…the Olympic-sized pool in the backyard and an upstairs deck for our teenagers to hang with their friends. There was, I admit, in […]

What Do People Really Think Of Nurses?

These are sayings by people or unknown authors about nurses.  Interested in seeing these on a T-shirt, sweatshirt, travel mug or a baby’s bib? Nurse Recruiter will soon have a merchandise link on the website and give nurses an opportunity to order their favorite item with a choice of several nurse sayings/slogans. Have a favorite […]

What is it like to be a travel nurse?

If you are a nurse who enjoys the challenge of working in new environments, meeting new people and gaining experience in different areas of nursing, you may be suited for Travel Nursing. Travel Nurses are, generally, assigned to positions in a location for a period of 13 weeks. Often, they are asked to stay on […]

Trying Telephone Triage

Any nurse who has worked in an urgent care setting will tell you that it is invariably the most severely ill/injured patients who say, I wasn’t even sure I should come in for this, (and this could be anything from kidney stones to an MI to a deep puncture wound) and are the most apologetic […]

July 2007 Newsletter

Editor’s Corner, July 2007 I hope you all had a great 4th of July. Around where I live, we had overcast skies but the fireworks were great as usual. As we head into the warmest days of the summer, I hope you’ll have the opportunity to take a few days off here and there and […]

Nurses~4~Nurses Volume VII Issue 2 July 2006

SITE NEWS Hi everyone, hope this newsletter finds you doing well and enjoying the summer months.  Albeit the heat is really on these last few days.  Well I guess it beats all the hurricanes of this time last year. We have some very exciting changes coming to in the next few months so stay […]

NCSBN Invitational Forum

The National Council State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) convened an Invitational Forum today to collaborate with more than a dozen organizations.The purpose, to discuss the role that state boards of nursing play in the regulation of nursing education.  The NCSBN was armed with studies and research to address issues with nursing education at both the […]

Tips for a Dynamic Email Cover Letter

Just as certain secrets can help you write a dynamic cover letter, there are also key strategies for sending email cover letters. Here are those strategies. Know the rules of a dynamic cover letter. Before you even think of sending an email cover letter, first make sure you understand all the rules and guidelines for […]

Nurses~4~Nurses Newsletter Special Edition

Nurses~4~Nurses Newsletter Special Edition NURSES 4 NURSES Special Bulletin 11/26/99 INADEQUATE NURSE STAFFING GETS MEDIA ATTENTION On Friday, November 26th, the ABC show “20-20” will air a segment about inadequate nurse staffing. ANA and some of the SNAs have worked with “20-20” on the story. In addition, USA Today ran a piece on staffing in […]