Just a few months ago, we retooled our whole website to hand over the power of choice to you, so you can decide who gets to call you about jobs. With Nurses Week, we’re going to do the same!
We will send out all kinds of fun and useful Nurses Week gifts — and we want you to tell us which nurses we should be sending them to. (You, for example! Or your favorite colleague!)
We will also donate $1,000 to charities that help nurses — and we want you to tell us which charity we should support.
Because just like with the jobs on this website, it should be all your call! You’re nurses, after all: you know best. We’re just here to help you!
New Nurses Week gifts every day
Maybe you remember from last year how this works? We sent out a total of 64 Nurses Week presents to nurses all around the country! Penlights, badge reels, coloring books, reference card sets, blood cell plushies, nurse cartoon books — each day we selected a new kind of gift. And each day we asked you to nominate the nurses we sent the gifts to!
This year, too, we will spend Nurses Week listening to you. All you have to do is respond to one of our daily posts on Facebook, Insta, Twitter or LinkedIn and nominate a nurse. Maybe you want us to send a Nurses Week gift to your nurse bestie! Or your nurse mentor, or your brother or daughter who is a great nurse. But yes, you’re also welcome to nominate yourself, because we know how hard you’ve all worked this year!
We will send out multiple gifts every day, always picking out high-quality products and looking for nurse entrepreneurs to support. We have already found some great options, but we will also welcome suggestions of your own! And to hand complete control to you, there will be at least one day when we send out cash gifts or gift cards.
Investing in care for nurses: our Nurses Week donation
Nurses Week gifts are fun, and who doesn’t deserve a small gesture of kindness? But at NurseRecruiter we also want to use Nurses Week for a more substantial investment to improve the lives of nurses. Because we hear you: what you really need most isn’t more pizza or a tote bag, but to be taken seriously and receive the care and working conditions you deserve.
That’s why we will donate $1,000 to nursing-related charities. Just like we made donations to Support Our Scrubs in the last two Nurses Weeks, and to SONSIEL at the peak of the first Covid wave when they were providing healthcare workers on the front line with PPE. And you can help us decide!
We have listed some suggestions below, and throughout Nurses Week we will highlight individual organizations that are doing important work. And if you think one is missing, let us know and we’ll include them in our posts as well! Whenever you think, “wow, I love what this organization is doing,” tell us in the replies! Comment, share, pass on the word, let us know right here on the blog if you’d like! Based on your feedback we will select one or more beneficiaries at the end of the week.
Kristie Mills
I was impressed with Show Me Your Stethoscope. I like that they assist when natural disasters occur. I like the fact that they supply gifts to children in need during Christmas. I choose this organization to be a recipient. Thank you!
Samantha Monroe
Nursing is the most rewarding career!
Nancy K Archer
I like the “Show me your stephoscope-a nation of nurses” poster.
Jeri Jobe
The last two years have been extremely stressful with covid. Also with bedside nurses leaving nursing or going to travel leaving us short staffed. I am a very loyal nurse that has stayed employed at my current job since 2013 through thick and thin and all of the changes. I am also an adjunct nursing professor praying to inspire the nursing students to have a passion as I do.
Jeri Jobe
The last two years have been extremely stressful with covid. I am very passionate about what I do! I love educating my patients and their support system. I feel patients are not educated enough when entering the hospital so I take every chance I can to educate them. I am also an adjunct nursing professor praying to inspire the nursing students to love what they do and go as far as they can!
Thank you so much for all you do! We agree with you completely about the importance of patient education, and these last two difficult years have only underlined that importance. And by educating future nurses as well, you are taking on crucial tasks on two fronts at the same time!
Karen Zelley
I have been a pediatric nurse for 27 years. This is currently a tough time because I feel continued education is not supported with attending conferences. Cinferences are not being encouraged and the registration fees and time off are not being covered by employers like it was 15 years ago.
Jennifer Phynn
We all could use some emotional PPE at this point… Sounds like a great charity.
JeanMarie Mead RN BSN CHPPN
I wholeheartedly nominate George Mark Children’s House, the nation’s first and Center for Excellence in Pediatric Palliative and Hospice Care. I worked for the first 15 years at the house tirelessly advocating for specific nursing education support for nurses gifted to care for dying children. Hurray, they now have a strong collaboration with Stanford Children’s Hospital Nursing education and just held a successful summit for all disciplines. The nurses deserve, specially the Director of Nursing and Compliance, Salina Patel, a huge shoutout for making it all happen. They now have a nurse residency in pediatric palliative care! My goal and dream for the house has been met!
Thank you so much for recommending another potential beneficiary! It’s always inspiring to hear someone speak so eloquently about the passion they feel for their specialty and focus in nursing, and I’m so glad you saw all your efforts bear fruit!
Dear JeanMarie Mead, today we’re highlighting the George Mark Children’s House in our daily social media posts! Thank you again for the suggestion.
Leah Pranter
Emotional PPE. Is my vote for charity.
Carmelita Labuda
Happy Nurses Week to every nurses!
Michelle L Miller
Show me your stethoscope is an honorable group to support.
Angela Christianna Brown
I nominate myself for being steadfast in my profession as an RN, and MSN for over 20 years. I love the profession of nursing especially being a clinical adjunct faculty and preparing future RNs.
I am impressed with the emotional ppe. Many many of us nurses don’t take care of ourselves way we should nice to see help
Steven Angle
I nominate myself for enduring 10-11 spinal surgeries, due to multiple congenital birth defects of my spine. The last surgery, September 10, 2021, left me a tetraplegic. With savings account drained, and turned down for SSDI (YES, I said turned down), I’m having to do a fundraiser for help to remodel the inside of our home for wheelchair access. I put the link in, if anyone wants to help a fellow nurse. I had worked in surgery for 23+ years. https://gofund.me/a6fdce2a
Verlena M Creech
I have been in the nursing field since I was 16. I am now 51 and the changes I have seen thru the years some have helped and some have not. But I love what I do.
Linda Thornton
Show me your stethoscope-a Nation of Nurses seems like a worthy organization. They represent all nurses, everywhere. They help people in time of need. I would choose them to receive the award
Laura Garcia
I help fight DIABETES! What is your superpower?
Sandra Dockins
Happy Nurses Week to everyone!
Brandy Thompson
I love the Show Me Your Stethoscope poster
Martin k
FOKO is an organisation based in Kenya, its aim is to support community by teaching them more about drug abuse and mental health. I feel this organisation deserves your appreciation.