Jo – Page 4 – Nurse Recruiter

These nurses are pulling no punches

The New York Times published a video editorial which spells out the truth about what’s going wrong — terribly wrong — in nursing. And it pulls no punches! We Know the Real Cause of the Crisis in Our Hospitals. It’s Greed. Yes, “America’s nurses are overworked, burned out, and quitting in droves.” Yes, Covid-19 care […]

Are nurse employers getting it wrong?

“They’re hiring new nurses for big $$, but their experienced nurses who run the units, save their asses in staffing gaps, and keep patients alive are leaving.” It’s a blunt way to put it, but Twitter user SarahToninFNP is not wrong. Nurse employers are piling on the bonuses for new hires, as we told you […]

Eddie Johnson wins our photo contest again, and he has a message for all of us!

One of the things we consider most valuable about this blog is that it allows us to share the important and inspiring stories nurses have to tell. Stories that are not heard often enough! Whether it’s accounts of heartbreaking bravery during the pandemic, moving tributes to nurse mentors or role models, an eyewitness account of […]

Would you take one of these COVID vaccination jobs? Over 1 in 3 Americans has received at least one shot, but now things get harder

It’s a powerful symbol. Every day now, for weeks already, if you scroll down the New York Times homepage, you see the same thing. It’s a very plain graphic, with just three lines of text, underneath the header “Tracking the Coronavirus”.  In red: “New cases”. Up. Every day, the number is up.  In black: “New […]

She helped protect children in emergencies around the world. Now she is our newest Scholarship winner!

We are so happy today! It feels good to be able to help a nursing student on her way to fulfil her dream — and not just any nursing student! Because this is a future nurse with a story. What am I talking about? We are announcing the newest Scholarship winner, and I think […]