Why NurseRecruiter.com for Nurses – Nurse Recruiter

Why NurseRecruiter.com for Nurses

Nursing can be an extremely rewarding and enriching career path. It can also be exhausting and overwhelming.

What if you could start fresh every thirteen weeks, gaining new and valuable experiences, meeting new people in new places, earning excellent pay and benefits?

You can. By taking a few minutes to fill out the Rapid Apply Form on NurseRecruiter.com, you become known to thousands of health care employers and staffing agencies who need qualified nurses NOW.

Travel nurses enjoy top pay, free housing and exploring different kinds of health care environments and fields that can result in career advancement or permanent positions. As a travel nurse, you can work in home health care, hospitals, long-term care facilities, clinics or medical offices in specialties like:

  1. ICU/CCU
  2. ER
  3. Pediatrics
  4. Psych
  5. Telemetry
  6. Med/Surg
  7. OR
  8. Post-Anesthesia/Recovery
  9. Oncology
  10. Labor & Delivery

You can work full-time, part-time and may have the opportunity to pick up per diem shifts tax-free.

Health care employers’ nursing needs vary seasonally – you can follow the sun and work in warm climates over the winter.

Fill out one form, tell NurseRecruiter.com where you want it go, and we make you accessible to thousands of health care employers who need your skills. With over 30,000 jobs listed at any given time, you can browse through permanent and temporary positions, chat live online with potential employers to ask questions about their organizations and change your profile preferences as you wish. Why limit yourself to a limited pool of local health care employers when your skills are in demand everywhere? Search the term  “nursing jobs” on Google, Yahoo or MSN, and NurseRecruiter.com will be in the top five results, attracting hospital and health care recruiters, staffing agencies from across the country.

NurseRecruiter.com was the first online job portal dedicated to nursing positions and remains the top-rated web source for nursing jobs today. For nine years, we’ve been connecting health care employers with dedicated professionals who excel in their chosen fields. Visit our site today, fill out Rapid Apply and see where you can be working tomorrow.

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