Newsletter – July 2011 – Nurse Recruiter Newsletter – July 2011

Editor’s Letter

Happy Independence Day! I’m sure that many of you celebrated the fourth of July with cookouts and fireworks. The signing of the Declaration of Independence signaled the beginning of freedom for the United States of America. Without that document in 1776, freedom and this country would look a lot different. Nursing looks a lot different now than it did hundreds of years ago. Nurses were hired by the American army to nurse sick and injured soldiers. In fact, George Washington himself asked Congress for matrons to supervise the nurses and for the nurses to take care of the men. The goal at the time was to have one nurse for every 10 injured men. It is interesting to see how far nursing has come from those faraway days. In this newsletter, we will look at how major companies are bringing doctors and nurses to their work sites in an effort to improve the health of their employees. We will also read about a male nurse who has made huge strides in the field of immunizations for our military personnel.

Employers Offering On-site Clinics

Thanks To a Navy NurseĀ 

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